O lamentations and wonders!
The Bumblefish, illustrious leader of the Order of Mammon, has died.
For the Fourth time in as many years.
The intrigue! The foul play?!?! Can't we go back to the days of wholesomely appeasing the personification of Greed?
Seemingly insurmountable divisions have arisen, and now, rival factions within the Order vie for control, each with their own powerful Devotees ready to become the next Bumblefish. Which side will you choose?
Despite the cost, the Order needs your soul-energy at the Arcane Gilletorium, to open the pathway to the in-between, to transport that winner to the realm that Bumbles with life and death and money.
The Fleecing is a semi-annual, audience immersive, interactive performance event inside a historic mansion in Germantown, featuring some of the region's best performers, as they push themselves to a fever pitch to win your solemn vote.
"A witty and alluring world where Douglas Adams meets Monty Python meets Almanac's signature pairing of earnest, personal theatricality and circus feats" - thINKingDANCE
Featuring some of the region's best perfomers including: Avi Pryntz-Nadworny, John Hawthrone, Viktoria Lange, Mark Kennedy, Lauren Johns, Dana Herbert, Jillian Jetton, Yannick Trapman-O-Brien, Mae West, Ben Grinberg, Desiree Hall, Maya Jackson, Nick Gillette, Frankie Ferrari, Avi Wolf, Mia Rocchio, Nathan Alford-Tate, and Jess Adams